
January 20th, 2017 – President Trump Inauguration…and My 27th Birthday


Today is my birthday and for that I am grateful. Another year of life – yes!

Today is also the presidential inauguration of a terrifying man.

I am concerned for the future of Americans who do not fit into Trump’s picture of America and it’s so-called greatness.

I’m pretty good at pretending something is a lot bettet than it really is (usually for the well-being of others and because, if nothing else, I am polite). For what we (and I mean ya’ll – I voted for Hilary to be president and for Bernie to be a presidential candidate) have done – I can not act like this is any better.

I’m holding my breath for what is to come.

I’m already at work on my birthday so I might as well watch the live stream of the inauguration while I’m here.

Happy birthday to me.

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